What is metadata on a web page and how does it affect the S.E.O. and the page's search engine ranking?
The metadata on a web page refer to the information provided in the page's code that helps search engines understand the content of the web page. This metadata mainly includes the page title, page description and keywords.
The title of the page (title tag) is a short description of the content of the web page and is displayed in the browser bar when you open a page. Also, the page title appears in search engine results and is an important factor in the performance of the page in searches.
The description of the page (meta description) is a short description of the page's content and also appears in search engine results under the page title. This description provides users with more information about the content of the page and influences the number of clicks the page will receive in search results.
The keywords (meta keywords) is a list of words or phrases that describe the content of the website. However, search engines do not make significant use of this metadata in determining a website's ranking in search results, as they understand that it can be used by webmasters to try to unduly influence searches.

In today's world, search engines have evolved and use more complex algorithms to understand the content of a website. Thus, the way metadata affects SEO and page ranking in search engines has decreased. However, metadata optimization is still considered a good practice for providing clear and relevant information about the website to search engines and users. In addition, other factors such as content quality, website architecture, external links and page load speed have become more important for SEO and website ranking.