Advertising on Social Media or Google Ads? What should I choose?

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Choosing the right advertising strategy is crucial to the success of a business in the digital world. As the two most popular options for digital advertising are Google Ads and the social media ads, entrepreneurs and marketers often wonder which platform will perform better. The answer depends on many factors, such as the industry of the business, the target audience, the goals of the campaign and the available budget. In this article, we'll break down what you need to consider to make the right choice for your business

Does the business industry matter?

The industry of your business largely determines the efficiency of each platform. Every business has different needs and its customers search for its products or services in different ways.

B2B Businesses (Business-to-Business): B2B businesses, which typically offer services or products to other companies, benefit most from Google Ads campaigns, particularly through Search Network. Here, customers are actively looking for solutions to their business problems and advertising appears when there is an immediate need.

B2C Businesses (Business-to-Consumer): B2C businesses can make better use of social media. Audiences are more relaxed and open to engaging with ads that are visually appealing or emotionally effective, especially through Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. For consumer products and services, social media often excels at generating awareness and engagement.

Retail & E-Commerce: Here, both the Google Ads as well as the social media ads they can be effective, but with a different purpose. Google Shopping can bring immediate results for those looking for products to buy, while social media can boost awareness and attract new customers with visually stunning campaigns.

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Does target audience matter?

Your audience is a critical factor influencing your platform choice. Each platform has different targeting tools and ways, tailored to user behaviors and demographics.

Google Ads

On Google, users are actively searching for solutions and are more likely to already have purchase intent. You can target specific keywords so that ads appear when people search for something related to your product or service. If your business is based on direct sales or you have products/services that customers usually search for online, then Google is the ideal choice.

Social Media

Here the audience is not directly looking for products or services, but is open to discovering new things through interesting content. Ads can target users based on their demographics, preferences, behaviors and interactions. Social media platforms offer much more specialized targeting, while campaigns can create an emotional connection with audiences.

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When to Choose Social Media Advertising?

Increasing Brand Awareness: If your business is new or you're launching a new product, social media is ideal for building awareness. Through attractive visuals and creative messaging, you can attract users' attention and increase your visibility.

Audience Building and Interaction: If you want to strengthen the relationship with your audience, social media advertising can help you generate interactions (likes, comments, shares), which helps build a community around your brand.

Attractive Visual Content: If you have products that are visually striking or you have the ability to create videos and creative campaigns, then social media, especially platforms like Instagram and TikTok, are great for reaching users through emotional and aesthetically pleasing messages.

Behavioral Advertising: Social media platforms allow highly detailed audience targeting, based on their habits and interests. This is ideal for businesses that want to reach specific demographic groups or consumers with niche interests.

When to choose Google Ads?

Immediate Purchase Intent: The biggest advantage of Google Ads is that they appear to users who are actively searching for something specific. If your business offers products or services that meet specific needs (e.g. a plumbing service or a product that people are searching for online), Google Ads is an instant solution to reach customers who already have purchase intent.

Local Services: Local businesses, such as restaurants, shops, or professional services, can use Google geo-targeted ads to show only people in their area who are searching for something near them.

Complex Services or Products: Businesses that provide more specialized products or services, such as technology or industrial products, can leverage keyword targeting to attract audiences looking for more complex solutions.

What costs more?

The cost of each platform depends on many factors, such as keyword or audience competition, campaign goals, and bidding.

  • Google Ads: The cost per click (CPC) tends to be higher, particularly in competitive industries such as insurance, legal and financial services. The campaigns in Search Network they can get quite high if there are many advertisers competing for the same keywords.
  • Social Media Ads: Typically, the cost per view or per interaction (CPC or CPM) is lower. However, campaigns targeting high visibility may require a larger budget, especially if you want to maintain long-term campaigns or target large demographic groups.
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Which has faster results?

  • Google Ads: Get faster results, as users who see your ads are already in the decision-making stage. So you can see immediate clicks and conversions, depending on the relevance of your ad and the effectiveness of your landing pages.
  • Social Media Ads: They usually take longer to generate interest and engagement. However, they are more efficient when it comes to awareness campaigns or campaigns aimed at building trust and connection with the public.


The choice between advertising on social media or the Google Ads it depends on your goals, industry and audience. If you want fast sales and target users with specific searches, then the Google Ads is the best choice. If you seek to build the recognition of your brand or create an emotional connection with your audience, then the social media ads are the ideal solution.

For a complete and comprehensive strategy, it is often effective to combine both platforms, analyzing performance data and adjusting your campaigns accordingly.

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