
Website redesign: 5 things to think about before redesigning your website

website redesign

Technology is running. Web trends are constantly updated. Users are becoming increasingly demanding. Have you noticed a decrease in your website traffic, low conversions and very low engagement? Do you need a website redesign? Here's how to tell if it's time to refresh your online presence.

1. Check your existing website

Website redesign can involve some substantial changes to improve its functionality or appearance. But it can also be a radical redesign of a website, which means that we collect the existing content, keep the useful, enrich it, organize it properly, and place it in a modern and user-friendly appearance.
Look at your page, and take notes.

What do you like about your website?
Make a list of everything you want to stay on your website, that add value to your business and contribute substantially to the content of your website.
What don't you like about your website?
Make a list of all the things you don't like about your page and won't affect it if omitted. If you don't like them but they are necessary for its smooth operation or for users to understand your content, see if there is a possibility to redesign them.

2. See your competitors

Are they successful? Are they getting sales from their website? They are doing something right! From websites similar to yours you can record all the features that can help your own business as well. You can customize and integrate them into your own website as well.

3. Know your audience

Before proceeding with your website redesign it is important to know your target audience. Are you targeting a younger audience or older people? In women or in men? The redesign of your page should take this audience as its axis and adapt to the needs of this particular group of users.

For example, what works for the “smartphone generation” will not work for the over 50s. Older users may need more guidance, and more detailed texts. Smartphone users will likely view, like and buy. So simple.
You still need to see where your audience is coming from. Does he find you through social media or organic search? Your website redesign as well as your website optimization strategies must take into account all these data to get the best possible results.

4. What do you want your page to do?

It's been good SEO on your page and your potential customers have found you. Then what happens? Once they find you, they expect to easily find what they're looking for. When someone searches for something online, it is because they want to save time, whenever you need to provide them with information quickly.

For example, do you sell jewelry online? Your potential customers would like to see them, learn about the materials they are made of and their prices.
How easy is it for them to navigate to your website to get this information? The easier it is, the faster you'll get customers. Functionality and appearance should go hand in hand in order to succeed in increasing your sales and for your customers to choose you again for their purchases.

If it is difficult for someone to understand the services or products you provide immediately after landing on your page, or if the way your information is displayed is not completely understandable and easy to use, causing users to search a lot, then a website redesign is necessary.

5. Do you need a Marketing Plan?

Before starting with the redesign of your website, you must see if its new functions and its new appearance serve the marketing strategy you will implement. What; Haven't you thought of that? Badly. A website alone cannot achieve much without a proper, well thought out marketing strategy. So in short, you should make sure your website is "ready" for the marketing you will do towards it and through it.
Always remember to take expert guidance. They have experience and knowledge on the subject and will recommend you the ideal solution for promoting your page.

content marketing plan
It is important to have authentic, quality content to bring new users to your page. Over 60% of website visitors feel positive about a business when they see fresh and unique content that reflects its values.
Therefore, you need to think about how you will keep yourself updated, perhaps with a blog, marketing videos, how-to articles or videos, social media and graphics. When the content marketing plan is clear, you can decide what changes are needed on your website so that you can adapt it effectively.

More Marketing Plan
For example, let's say you want to proceed with an email marketing strategy, sending a newsletter weekly or monthly. To do this you should see what changes you will make to your website to get more email subscribers. How will you get them to sign up? Maybe with some reward. For this reason, your website redesign needs to be carried out based on a smart marketing strategy.
You need to adjust your website goals to your marketing goals and vice versa. You need to make sure that your new website and the marketing strategies you will implement will complement each other to bring the maximum possible benefit to your business.

Are you ready to proceed with your website redesign?

If you know the points that need improvement on your website, all that remains is to find the right partners to help you achieve the best possible result. Based on the above factors, you should determine the needs of your page so that your business can really benefit from its redesign.
Tell us what your needs are. We will recommend the best solution for renewing your online presence that fits your budget.
Contact us here:

Source: https://colorwhistle.com/things-to-consider-before-website-redesign/

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