RENT A CAR WEBSITE / Digital Rent a Car Standard

Digital Rent a Car Standard

Website with search system
and Rent a Car reservation and booking

The Digital Rent a Car Standard Website is based on the open source WordPress. We undertake Rent a car website development. It includes full customization of vehicle reservation system to create a rent a car website fully customized to your office needs. We ensure the best possible viewing of your website on all types of screens, mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop (Responsive Design).

Δείγματα δουλειάς

Digital Rent a Car Website Standard

It is compatible with the "Digital Tools for SMEs" Programme and beneficiaries can cash their voucher through the purchase of this digital tool.

The Digital Rent a Car Website Standard includes

*prices do not include VAT

Start today!

The best time to get started with the Rent a car website is now! Take advantage of the benefits of an online presence and modernize your business.